I was such an avid smoker that my oxygen levels, three years ago, were over thirty percent below average. Practically in apnea underwater I would have been better. After a small surgical operation, an appendicitis, when I awoke from the anesthesia, the doctors warned me that, in the future, they would have to operate me when I was awake. Despite the oxygen mask my pulmonary situation, due to smoking, under anesthesia compromised the vital values.

To be able to quit smoking I switched to a very minor addiction. I totally closed with cigarettes and I began to "vaping" liquids with nicotine 18, the maximum, but after two weeks without cigarette smoke the oxygen returned to normal and my chronic bronchitis ceased. Three years later, today, "svapo" with nicotine 3, the minimum.

But I'm as furious as hundreds of thousands of hardened former smokers that the Italian Parliament has put at absolute risk, further taxing liquids for e-cig, to the point of doubling the price. One does not believe it, but today smoking mortal cigarettes costs less. A criminal act, irresponsible and idiotic.

Umberto Veronesi, our internationally renowned oncologist, was opposed to the taxation of electronic cigarettes, because he considered them the most effective tool to combat the devastating effects of smoking: "Traditional cigarettes cause cancer, while electronics do not have no carcinogenic action ".

I suppose the tobacco multinationals have corrupted a lot of people. I hope so for them, otherwise it is political illiteracy, of serious harm caused to the health of citizens, by honorable Assassins of State.

From a facebook post by Diego Cugia di Sant' Orsola

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